Thursday, July 24, 2008

iphone help....

Take your iPhone underwater with new coating
A clear plastic coating currently under development could spell the end for water-damaged gadgets. The company behind the technology claims that any device can be completely waterproofed without the need for a bulky case.

In a recent demonstration by the US firm Golden Shellback, an iPod touch coated with its special substance was entirely submerged in water - without the usual negative consequences that most of us are all too familiar with.

The coating is applied in avacuum, which allows not only the external surface to be coated, but also the surface of all internal components. Because the substance doesn't conduct electricity this has no effect on chips or circuits.

"Golden Shellback coating produces a vacuum deposited film that is non-flammable, has low toxicity and has the ability to weatherproof electronic devices and other surfaces," says a post on the company's website.

In tests a VHF radio was fully submerged under water for 450 hours and was retrieved fully working claims the company. The makers suggest that the coating will be available to the public soon and that devices will have to be sent directly to the company for treatment at a cost of between £25 and £37 .

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